Hotel Information and Rates

All rates are based on single or double occupancy. Additional charges may apply for additional room occupant.

Chateau Victoria Hotel & Suites

Nightly Rates from: $169, plus tax

Coast Victoria Hotel & Marina

Nightly Rates from: $189, plus tax

Hotel Fairmont Empress

Nightly Rates from: $245, plus tax

Hotel Grand Pacific Victoria

Nightly Rates from: $175, plus tax

Additional Information


Please check your written confirmation carefully upon receipt.

Please note that a credit card or cash payment is required at the time of check-in. 

Cut-off date for reservations is March 23, 2023.

Hotel Guarantee

All reservations must be guaranteed with a credit card. Please provide your credit card details. Your credit card number will be kept on file. Please ensure that you read the cancellation policy. 

If you do not have a credit card, please contact us at 604-969-5585 or toll-free 800-663-4703. 

Your reservation will only be confirmed when we have received your payment details. Reservations that are not properly guaranteed will be subject to cancellation.

Change Policy 

Name changes are allowed prior to arrival.

Date changes that extend your stay can be made at anytime, subject to hotel availability. Date changes that shorten your stay may be subject to a penalty, depending on which hotel you have booked. 

After your reservation has been confirmed, you will receive a confirmation letter from W.E. Travel, which includes the Change Policy pertaining to your hotel.

Cancellation Policy 

Please review the hotel Cancellation Policy found on your confirmation letter from W.E. Travel.